Toe joints hurt: reasons, what to do and how to treat

Almost all people notice vague sensations in the phalanges of the fingers. This is mostly noticed after a hard day’s work or in the middle of the night, the hands start to tingle.

Most people prefer not to notice these manifestations, but they do so in vain. In such a situation, it is very important to quickly determine the causes of these symptoms, which will allow you to start treatment earlier. Because advanced diseases of the joints of the fingers cause quite major health problems.


It is worth studying more carefully why joint pains appear in the fingers. Experts have identified two categories of joint pain:

  1. Flammable. . . They manifest as stiffness of movement, which lasts a long time, in the morning. To alleviate the pain a little, you need to perform motor gymnastics. In addition to stiffness, they notice: redness, swelling, and fingers are slightly reduced.
  2. Mechanical. . . They appear together with all the signs of the usual inflammation. But mostly they are very small and many may not notice their manifestations. To determine more precisely why the pain in the phalanges of the fingers appeared, you need to study the study of the disease a little deeper.
pain in the joints of the fingers

Disease review

The joints of the fingers can be injured in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis. . . This disease manifests itself in a chronic form, affecting small joints, but in a very neglected state it can spread to large as well as internal organs. They swell when glowing. Just clenching your fist is not as easy as it used to be, because the discomfort is very strong. It often affects both hands at once. The peculiarity of this disease is that the fingers hurt in the morning and in the morning.
  • Psoriatic arthritis. . . This type of arthritis manifests exclusively on the skin of the fingers. Edema appears, causing the fingers to change shape and become like sausages, red in color with a slight blue tinge.
  • Infectious arthritis. . . This disease may have no obvious symptoms. If acute painful sensations appear that last from an hour to several days, it means that the disease is already actively developing. The affected joint is hot, and may have fever and chills.
  • Gout. . . Very often this disease affects people who have crossed the 50-year mark. The disease develops due to poor excretion of uric acid from the body, it accumulates in the joints.
  • Osteoarthritis. . . This disease begins to change the shape of the joints, they become thicker and restrict movement. Older women are more likely to develop this disease. Reasons for developing osteoarthritis: heredity, increased stress and many other factors. The symptoms of the disease are usually easily noticeable: painful sensations, spindle-shaped deformity of the fingers.
  • Stenotic ligamentitis. . . In order to determine the cause of the disease, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray. The symptoms are typical: painful movement of the hand, loop of a clenched palm. Also, when you bend, clicks are usually heard.
  • Rheumatism. . . This disease often causes severe pain, redness and swelling. A rash may also appear and the temperature may begin to rise. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Tunnel syndromecauses pain in the joints of the index finger. In modern times, this disease is manifested in people who work at the computer for a long time.
stages of development of arthritis of the finger joints

Risk factors

Diseases of the finger joints, like any other disease, can, if not prevent, then predict. To do this, it is worth understanding why such diseases can develop:

  • It can be caused by hormonal changes.
  • All types of pathologies of the immune system.
  • In the presence of various infections in the body.
  • If there is a metabolic disorder.
  • With prolonged exposure to cold hands.
  • Various microtraumas.

Do not delay a visit to a specialist, because a neglected disease is more difficult to cure. Necessary treatment can be determined by a surgeon and rheumatologist, based on the results of the examination.


It is also worth noting a few symptoms of particularly serious diseases:

  1. Nodular formations appear in the area of the joints.
  2. There is a squeak of fingers.
  3. When pressed, pain is felt.
  4. Sharp pains follow.
  5. Redness of the skin.
  6. Weakening of fine motor skills.
  7. Temperature increase.
  8. Joint deformity.
  9. Seals appear in the bend of the finger.
pain in the joints of the fingers

To find out how to treat and prevent it, it is necessary to find the reason why joint pain occurs.

How to diagnose?

To begin treating pain in the finger joints, you need to correctly determine which disease has occurred. To determine what type of disease is prevalent in a person who feels joint pain when bending their arms, doctors recommend that you undergo the following procedures:

  1. Make an X-ray.
  2. Get a CT scan.
  3. Pass various blood and urine tests.
  4. Take an MRI.
  5. It is necessary to check the content of purines in the blood.
X-ray as a way to diagnose pain in the finger joints

If there is joint pain when bending your fingers, you should not rely on solving the problem itself. Without going to the doctor on time, the person starts a disease that is fraught with very serious consequences. Very often, the mobility of the fingers is reduced, and in the future, such a problem as absolute inflexibility of the finger may appear. Such consequences sometimes lead to disability.


Treatment for the disease that caused them requires treatment of symptoms such as pain in the finger joints. If the inflammation is the cause of the pain, the doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics, harmony, and anti-inflammatory medications.

If a dystrophic lesion is found, it is necessary to restore the damaged joint with the help of medication, massage and physiotherapy.

Drug treatment

Also, the doctor prescribes medication. In addition to inflammation, medications are generally prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation. Today, there are plenty of medication options, so your doctor will choose the most appropriate medications.

tablets for pain in the joints of the fingers

If very severe pain has started, then hormonal medications are used, the reception of which can only be prescribed by the attending physician. They can be injected into the joint cavity. Also, osteoarthritis uses drugs that nourish the joint and stop the destruction.

When remission occurs, massages, mud treatments and gymnastics are recommended. Doctors advise visiting various mud springs and spas. Doctors advise, as a rule, to give up physical activity and make a diet that they must follow.

Folk remedies

There are also alternative treatments. Some people prefer to use folk remedies, both for treatment and to maintain health. Such methods will not cause harm, but they can be used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. They can be supplemented with medications prescribed by a doctor and relieve pain.

Popular folk remedies for this type of pathology are as follows:

  1. Grind the bay leaf and juniper needles, mix with the butter and massage the resulting porridge daily.
  2. Mix chalk and kefir, and use the resulting mixture overnight in the form of compresses.
  3. You can drink birch sap, it heals perfectly and fills the whole body with vitamins.
  4. Mix olive oil (1 tablespoon) with 10 drops of garlic juice and drink in the morning before meals.

There are many options to supplement the prescribed treatment, you can consult your doctor.


Experts warmly recommend finger exercises for joint development. It does not take much time and effort to implement them. Some exercises can relieve pain and numbness in the hands.

It is important for a person to understand that his health is in his hands. If joint pain has started, there is no need to waste time. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and fully entrust your health to him.

Special gymnastics is able to keep the joints in good condition. The exercises are very simple and require a lot of effort and time. If you now spend a few minutes a day, then in old age it is quite possible to get good health.

Joints are a very important part of the whole body because their poor condition can lead to restrictions on human movement. You have to constantly think about joint health, just like in the situation with teeth, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

It is important to understand that if a person feels at least mild pain in the finger joints, consult a doctor immediately.

It is worth entrusting treatment to a doctor, because every disease has its irreversible consequences. Thanks to timely medical help, you can not only get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also prevent serious complications.